Journal type thing

this is my new journal thing so that I can tell all you happy people what is going on in my life. okiday?


More Random stuff!! | Journal type thing | wise words | BUNNIES!! | ten things | Music and stuff | Deep thoughts | Random stuff | Stuff I find cool | What ever happened to.... | New poem page | Once apon a time

11.30.02 9:20am

Good morning everybody. The basic idea of this page is to give me something to update every time I get on. So yeah. Anywho. I don't know why I'm up this early on a Saturday... I was up till 2 last night. (don't ask me why. I have no memory of that time.) What's up in my life today: Well absolutely nothing. I think I will call Kate later, I owe her a phone call. I miss sarabrynn, not that there's anything that can be done to fix that. I gotta call Brandt, b/c he called last night and told my mom I needed more time at home. (btw babe, I was at home all day yesterday except for that 2 hr span I was out with Brian) So if you're on this list feel special. I actually want to talk to you today. (on that note, lets add Brian, b/c I want to talk to him but he's not gonna be home.)So now that we all are fully up to date on my boooring life....

12.1.02 4:24pm
yello. I am talking to Brian and Amanda right now online. Brian has succeded in killing me and Amanda has written a song about penguins. how nice. My mommy dearest is being annoying and wants me to do slave labor for her. (sad times) *cries*
I went to my old church this morning. It was kinda odd how nothing changes... like everything was the same. Ah, well. TTFN.

Today sucked a monkey. A dead one. blech, sorry.... grossed myself out, there. I hate school WITH A PASSION!!! IT SUCKS DEAD MONKEYS!! (waahh!) I hate my lit class it used to be my flavorite subj but now it really has started to suck many monkeys and it is not my fault I am so incompitent. Currently I feel like I am trying so hard to be prepaired and hold myself together and I am still losing pieces and forgetting things and SCREW IT ALL!! I don;t know why I bother anyway.
Anywho gotta get that out. on a happier note, I got the NB back from brian today. so that brightened up my day. (it was the only bright spot i suppose, or all that sticks out.) Oh yeah and I got to talk to kate at lunch which was fun times.

12.9.02 7:37pm
yo yo yo wassap? I am bored. no one's on. blah. I feel bad I took brian's ring and forgot to give it back.... I'd be such a bad robber i feel guilty even tho I know I can give it back tomorow. :(.... gah. anyway. nothing much else is going on here. life as usual and such. I continue to cope, with all the crap i really don't like to talk abt on here b/c who's bussiness is it anyway?? hmm, I ask you? I mean I could sit here and vent for hours abt how damn stupid things seem but I don't really know what's wrong with me lately one minute so happy one so sad so y even bother explaining? I'll just pass it off as PMS like everyone else does :) Have a lovely life now.

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